🤖How to use the integration feature?

This requires some technical knowledge. Please ask a developer to do it for you.

Cowlendar offers 4 ways to make it work on your website.

Regular way : it will transform your add to cart button of any product into a book now button. When people click on "book now" it will trigger the Calendar.

Direct link feature : This link can be used to trigger Cowlendar anywhere where you can place a link (in your header for instance or through an email) so when customers click on it, it automatically triggers the calendar.

Inline Widget feature : This piece of code have to be set in a "custom HTML" section within your theme editor.⚠️ It only works with 1 variant so do not use it if your product has several.

Element attribute feature : This piece of code will allow you to change the behavior of any HTML element. Please use it at your own risk and only if you're a dev. Put it in some div and it will work.

<div data-cowlendar-btn="643ab6bc1000de7373a6a16b-44883814416694">Custom element</div>
🧙How to use the direct link feature?👩‍💻How to use the Element Attribute feature?🖥️How to use the Inline Widget feature?

Last updated