⁉️I keep getting double bookings even with a limit set!

Basically this is due to how shopify cart flushing system works.

Let me explain what happens in detail...

Basically what happens is that the person who was able to double usually came back and finished checking out the booking they had in there cart..

But how? Well my app applies a cart locking system which prevents that slot from being bookable for 20 minutes and then it's released to the public again.

The thing is that if the personal who originally added it to cart comes back and finishes checking out before shopify flushes the cart (which they do 10 days after adding to cart) then the booking will also go through.

Okay... So now what?

I recommend that in BIG BOLD letters put a warning in your product description and in the calendar description warning people to double check they are not checking out an already sold out timeslot

Okay... So what you you doing about this Leo?

Promise im doing all i can in regards to this cart flushing issue and constantly talking with shopify senior developers over this. Some have told me they plan on rewriting this part of shopify but it's just a very delicate and complicated process

I have spent easily over 500hrs or more just doing researching and trying to get fixes for this myself and im going crazy doing so...

Think it's best if we wait for the Shopify senior developers to do their thing ;) You can read read more about this in the shopify dev docs here

Last updated