Why are all my teammates getting confirmation emails from bookings?
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If there are no teammates assigned to a service then all teammates will receive a confirmation email for that booking as it helps keep everyone informed of what's going on.
The unofficial/official (haha) way of doing this would be to use teammates to separate the service into its own "fake teammate".
By linking cowlendar admin to a specific service you make it so that only the cowlendar admin and none of the other teammates get notifications in regards to bookings of this service
By linking a single teammate to a specific service you make it so only that teammate gets notifications in regards to bookings of this service
Regardless of the option you choose there will be no teammate selector since there is only one teammate attached
Visit: How to setup teammates for services in Cowlendar for more information on setting up your teammates
This is a Premium feature of Cowlendar. You need to upgrade your plan if you want to use this feature and you are a free user of Cowlendar.
Make sure each service you want to have teammates attached has the setting "Availability per teammate" ticked in Apps > Cowlendar > My Services > Edit
Go to Apps > Cowlendar > Team and click "Add a teammate" to create a teammate
Edit the availability of the teammate by click "Edit availability" and in there you can attach services by click "Add new availabilities"